Friday, 25 January 2013

How films could've done things differently #2

Yes I've got the name of the post wrong but ultimately no one gives a shit, My new rant about massive plot holes is Terminator Two: Judgement day  Which skynet sends an almost indestructible robot back to kill John Conner , Sarah Conner's son
                           Why didn't skynet send the robot back to the 1800's to kill Sarah Conner's great great great grandparents with their Superior technology and why give Sarah 10-13 years to prepare, training Conner and filling a massive bunker with weapons and there are many more plot-holes in this but I can't be arsed to tell you them all so here's something random
   That's right picachu was secretly working for skynet under squirtle,bulbasaur and charmander's nose....

Books and films that would've been a lot shorter if the plot was different #1

 Hello and welcome to my blog! My first film/book that wouldn't involve many deaths and Elijah wood going slowly insane over a ring!A ring!Yes it is lord of the rings right so Gandalf can call on giant eagles couldn't have him and Frodo fly over Mt Doom drop the ring in the way over thus stopping the battle of helms deep,the invasion of the shire (from the books of course) and  the betrayal of Christopher lee.

Next time I talk about the many plot holes of terminator 2 and why skynet should've sent the liquid metal robot  back to the times of Sarah Conner's great grandparents.....